Since 1792, Start-Rite has been making shoes for children. And nothing else. That’s why it’s an industry leader in designing, manufacturing, and fitting little shoes for little people.
Start-Rite is proud of its legacy. And after more than 225 years in business, it should be. From its pioneering 1943 nationwide survey, which transformed the way people make and shop for children’s shoes, to the 2018 launch of its 3D fit app – Start-Rite represents timeless design, attention to detail, and bold innovation.

Our very talented creative partners at The Click took on the project of rebranding Start-Rite: researching, writing, designing and illustrating before the final print-ready files reached us. We needed to do justice to all their hard work, so we worked closely with The Click to source suitable and complementary paper options.

The text pages were brought to life printed on GF Smith’s Zen Pure White. The book was then casebound using Brillianta cloth. Then it was time to think creatively and practically about the application of two-colour block foiling to the textured cover. Finally, the finishing touch: getting the unique shoelace ribbon marker just right!
The end result is truly stunning. We couldn’t be prouder to have been part of this project and seen it through from print to finished product: truly a book to keep and cherish.